Solaut s.r.l.
Registered office:
Via Verdi, 23 - 43039 - Salsomaggiore Terme - (Parma) - Italy
Operational headquarters:
Via Cardano, 36 - 43036 - Fidenza - (Parma) - Italia
Tel. +39 0524 502869, Fax +39 0524 501920
P. Iva : IT 02755710346 - c.c.i.a.a. PARMA R.E.A. n. PR - 264323
Codice SDI: W7YVJK9
Our operational headquarters is near the northern Fidenza ring road.
Coming from the A1 exit at Fidenza and continue towards Fidenza centro.
Coming from the SS9 state road via Emilia, take the northern ring road and, coming from Parma, exit at the first exit towards Fidenza.
Coming from Piacenza, exit at the third exit towards Fidenza.